- Bite down gently but firmly on the gauze packs that have been placed over the surgical areas, making sure they remain in place. Don’t change them for the first hour unless the bleeding is not controlled. The packs may be gently removed after one hour.
- If active bleeding persists, it should be reported to the dental office.
- Don’t rinse vigorously or probe the area with any objects.
- You may brush your teeth gently.
- Smoking will retard hilling, causing increased discomfort and increased chance of dry socket. Be strongly discouraging smoking during the hilling face.
- If you exercise regularly, be aware that your normal fluid and caloric intake is reduced. Exercise in the post operative period may also result in increased bleeding, swelling and discomfort. Exercise should be avoided for 3-4 days following surgery.
- Swelling is a normal occurrence after surgery and will not reach its maximum until 2-3 days after surgery. It can be minimized by using a cold pack, ice bag or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in towel and applied firmly to the cheek adjacent to the surgical area.
- This should be applied 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off during the first 24 hours after surgery. If you have been described medicine for the control of swelling, be sure to take it as directed.
- You will usually have a prescription for pain medication. If you take the first pill before the anesthetic has worn off, you should be able to manage any discomfort better. Remember that the most severe pain is usually within 6 hours after the local anesthetic wears off, after that your need for medicine should lessen.
- Eat any nourishing food that can be taken with comfort. Avoid extremely hot foods.
- Do not use a straw for the first few days after surgery.
- It is sometimes advisable, but not absolutely required, to confine the first day’s intake to liquids or pureed foods (soups, puddings, yogurt, milkshakes, etc.)
- Avoid chewing food until tongue sensation has returned.
Keeping your mouth clean after surgery is essential
- Warm salt water rinse may begin 24 hours after surgery swish gently and allow the water to drip into the sink. Rinses should be done 2-3 times a day, especially after eating.
- Begin your normal oral hygiene routine as soon as possible after surgery.
- If the corners of your mouth are stretched they may dry out and crack. Keep your lips moist with an ointment such as Vaseline.
- Don’t smoke or drink alcohol for ten days following the surgery.
- Pulling your lips to inspect surgical area may loosen or tear your stitches.