Tooth Cavity Treatment

Tooth cavities are one of the most common dental problems, affecting people of all ages. Cavities occur when tooth enamel is weakened by acids, allowing bacteria to penetrate the tooth and cause decay.  Cavities are a common and preventable dental problem. If you have a cavity, treatment is necessary to preserve the health of your tooth.  At Sanjay kalra’s Dental Clinic we provide different types of teeth cavity treatment and provide permanent solutions at affordable rates.

What are tooth cavities and what causes them?

Teeth cavities are small holes in your teeth that can develop over time. They are caused by a buildup of plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth. Plaque produces acids that eat away at the enamel, or hard outer layer, of your teeth. This can eventually lead to a cavity.

Different types of tooth cavities

There are three different types of tooth cavities: surface, pit and fissure, and root.

Surface cavities : Surface cavities are the most common type of cavity, and develop on the chewing surfaces of your teeth.

Pit and fissure cavities : Pit and fissure cavities occur when food gets trapped in the small crevices in your teeth.

Root cavities : Root cavities occur when the roots of your teeth become exposed and start to decay.

Treatment for a cavity depends on the type of cavity you have. Surface cavities can usually be treated with fluoride, while pit and fissure cavities may require a filling. Root cavities are more serious and may require a root canal or other type of dental surgery.

What are the symptoms of a tooth cavity?

The first symptom of a tooth cavity is usually a small, painless hole in your tooth. However, as the cavity gets larger, it can cause more severe symptoms, such as:

  • toothache
  • sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • pain when you bite down
  • visible holes or pits in your teeth
  • dark spots on your teeth

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible.

How are tooth cavities treated?

The treatment for a tooth cavity depends on the size and severity of the cavity. For small cavities, your dentist may simply clean the area and fill the hole with a tooth-colored resin. For larger cavities, you may need a more extensive treatment, such as:

  • root canal therapy
  • crowns
  • tooth extractions

If you have a tooth cavity, it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible to get it treated. With proper care, your teeth can be restored and you can avoid more serious problems down the road.

Tooth Cavity Treatment FAQs


Q1: How do cavities form?

Cavities are caused by a combination of three things: acids, bacteria, and time. When you eat or drink anything sugary, acidic, or starchy, the bacteria in your mouth produce acid. This acid then attacks your tooth enamel for 20 minutes or more after you eat.

Q2: How do I know if I have a cavity?

The early signs of a cavity are white spots on your teeth. If the decay is allowed to progress, you may experience pain, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, visible holes in your teeth, and eventually tooth loss.

Q3: If I have a tooth cavity, do I need to see a dentist?

Yes, it is important to see a dentist if you think you may have a tooth cavity. A dentist can confirm whether or not you have a cavity and recommend the best course of treatment. Treatment options may include filling the cavity, getting a crown, or having the tooth extracted.

Q4: What happens if I don’t treat my cavity?

If you don’t treat your cavity, it will continue to grow larger. The decay will eventually reach the inner layer of your tooth, causing pain, sensitivity, and tooth loss.

Q5: How can I avoid getting cavities in the future?

You can avoid getting cavities in the future by practicing good oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash. You should also visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups.