Some pains are physical, others are mental, but that which is both is dental.This Limerick seemed so true when my dental problems surfaced. From denial at first to the gradual realisation and acceptance, it was a painful journey. But Dr. Sanjay Kalra, Dr. Ruchir and their team made the pain bearable with their very thoughtful and expert guidance and, finally, I mustered courage to undergo the treatment too. I’m sure this multispeciality Dental Clinic is the best in the region for its perfectly hygienic ambience and very seasoned doctors who are constantly keeping pace with the latest developments in the field. True, if dentistry is an art, Dr Sanjay Kalra is the master craftsman assisted by Dr Ruchir. My compliments to the entire team for doing a great job! God bless!
Our advanced dental implants clinic in Panchkula provides specialized services from just simple check-ups to guided surgery.