Cerec Omnicam
Cerec Omnicam for fabrication of metal free crowns, bridges within an hour using CAD/CAM technology. The first machine to be introduced in India.
Nobel Clinician Program
Nobel clinician program for planning of placement of implants on computer.
Soft Tissue Laser
Soft tissue Laser for bloodless procedures.
Cardiac Monitor
Cardiac monitor for monitoring patient’s vitals.
Rehabilitating patients who loose a part of their face due to birth defects, post cancer surgery or trauma.
First-In-House CBCT
To help in better diagnosis and treatment planning.
Latest Digital X-ray Setup
Latest digital x-ray unit.
Physio Dispensers
Physio dispensers for implant insertion
Oxygen Concentrator
Oxygen concentrator for surgical procedures in procedure room.
Air Purifiers
Air purifiers for clean air in the operating rooms.
In-office Bleaching
Equipment for in office bleaching.
Crash Cart
For use during moderate sedition and for any kind of medical emergencies.
In Office Studio Setup
In office studio setup for video recording of views of the patients.
For regular fumigation of the clinic complex to maintain total asepsis.
Scrub Station
For thorough scrubbing of hands before any surgical procedure.