Various continuing Dental Education Programs on latest topics are organised at the clinic by Dr. Sanjay Kalra and his colleagues. The dentists from far and near take the benefit of these programs to improve their clinical knowledge and skills.
Dr Ruchir Kalra attended a three day advanced course about soft tissues and implants at New Delhi. The resourceperson for the course was Dr Ricardo Kern a master clinician from Brazil.
Dr. Sanjay Kalra, shared groundbreaking insights on Implant Reverse Planning at Ha Noi’s Vietnam International Dental Exhibition. With over 2000 attendees from Southeast Asia, his lecture on innovative strategies left a lasting impact. This event not only enriched dental knowledge but also solidified Dr. Kalra’s status as a global expert. A remarkable experience that advances dental practice and collaboration.
Staying updated to provide the best treatment for our patients is something that makes us stand out in the dental health industry.Dr. Sanjay Kalra, who is amongst the few Implantologists of India, was recently invited by BioHorizons India to enjoy two days of extensive learning with other stalwarts of dentistry.
Listening to this success story is more like an inspiration. Dr. Priyadarshi Ranjan, one of the top 10 surgeons in the world, shared his opinion on the future of Robotics Surgery at “Members on the Hot Seat” at Vibrant Networking Forum.Dr. Ruchir Kalra was a part of this great event as the member on the cool seat, asking the renowned doctor questions about his success story.
A sneak peek of recently held ITI Chandigarh Study Club meeting at Dr. Sanjay Kalra’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic addressing various lecture topics by the renowned doctors.
Dr. Sanjay Kalra delivered a keynote lecture on the occasion of the Inauguration of Indian Prosthodontics Society – Punjab Branch. The response was overwhelming. The presence of senior friends and colleagues from IPS like President Dr. J R Patel from Ahmedabad, PP Dr. Himanshu Aerans from Rishikesh, PP Dr. Kashinath from Bengaluru, and PE Dr. Kashyap Bhargav from Delhi made the occasion all the more special.The felicitation of teachers and mentors – Dr. OP Nar and Dr. Jagmohan Lal was a proud moment for everyone. Dr. Kavipal, Principal of SGRD Dental College, and his whole team where laureled with compliments for the meticulous organization.The cherry on the cake was the visit to the stunningly beautiful and pious Sri Harmandar Sahab, which was a dream come true.

Dr Sanjay Kalra was invited as a Guest Speaker at Ahemdabad for a full day program on Metal Free Ceramics. He shared his experiences, cases and the different uses of metal free ceramics.

The Seminar was followed by a demonstration and hands-on for the participants.

The program was very well attended and appreciated by the participants.

ITI Study Club Chandigarh organized a meet at the clinic on Sunday. A well-renowned speaker from Nagpur, Dr Harshwardhan Arya shared his expertise on anterior implants in the esthetic zone.

Dr. Sanjay Kalra, an eminent implantologist and the founder of Dr. Sanjay Kalra’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic, was one of the speakers at Hotel Turquoise Chandigarh on 29 September 2019, where a wide range of dental implant topics wiere addressed.

Dr. Ruchir Kalra attended a two day course on hard and soft tissue grafting by Dr. Fourad Khoury in Olsberg, Germany. Dr. Khoury has developed many innovative techniques of managing difficult situations in Implant Dentistry.

Topics covered are varied including latest in Implant Dentistry, latest in all ceramics, latest in Aesthetic Dentistry, Dental Lasers, Maxillofacial Prosthetics to name a few.

Dr. Sanjay Kalra has travelled far and near to conduct causes and Seminars on Dental Implants, Aesthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Lasers etc. and is a much sought after speaker.