Dr. Sanjay Kalra’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic is a NABH accredited,  ISO 9001:2008 certified clinic imbibing the latest technology with the skill and knowledge of highly qualified dental specialists. Spread over 5,500 sq feet, the ambiance of the two-floored multispeciality dental clinic gives immaculately clean feeling with hygiene as its top priority. The seamless service architecture and the hospitable staff make the experience more informative and comfortable.

The clinic has a comfortable and modern reception area for receiving and documentation of the patients. We use Practo software to maintain patient records and for appointment scheduling & records. There is a museum on the history of dentistry giving an insight into the pioneers of dentistry, along with their beautifully sculpted statues and a collection of models and charts. Our board room is well equipped for our monthly meetings and for conducting various patients and Dentist education program. Various tooth brushing aids guide you about oral hygiene at the brushing station.

Smile Spa is a unique concept. In-office bleaching, depigmentation of gums, cosmetic makeovers and tooth jewelry offer complete cosmetic solutions to the patient. Pre Bridal Dental cosmetic packages are available to make you beautiful and confident.

Our practice has taken several successful strides since its inception. The new Dental Implants Clinic with its modern procedure room equipped with cardiac monitor, oxygen concentrator, physio dispensers, centrifugal machine crash cart, and modern implant instruments is now considered as the pride and Best dental clinic of Chandigarh-Tricity.

Our recognition and appreciation as superior Dental Implants, Dental Cosmetics, Prosthodontics, Pedodontics, and Orthodontics Practice in Chandigarh-Tricity are what we owe to the continuous support of our patients and their faith in us. It is due to our patients’ overwhelming response that we have not only attained leadership but also consolidated our position in the Chandigarh-Tricity over the last 30 years. In October 2019 our clinic celebrated the 29th anniversary of its growth, unmatched services, and satisfied patient base in the form of a Dental Health Education and Wellness fair.

Our vision of taking dental technology to the next level by incorporating CAD/CAM came true with the addition of Cerec Omnicam. We fabricate your crowns and bridges within minutes right in front of your eyes based on Computer-Aided Designing and Milling. The Nobel clinician software for accurate planning and restoration with implants is based on CAD/CAM technology which has given many hopeless patients a smile to be proud of.

The dental lasers, in house CBCT machine, Digital Radiography, and Smile Enhancement pre-bridal packages like In-Office Bleaching, Cosmetic Makeovers, and Botox treatment of face are some of the latest treatment modalities that make us a complete destination as far as oral health is concerned. For more details check out our Clinic Gallery and technology equipment.

Our social initiatives have helped us in achieving the self-satisfaction of giving back to the society which has given so much to us.

The purpose of the online location of DR.SANJAY KALRA’S MULTISPECIALITY DENTAL CLINIC is to make you aware about our concept of Dental Treatment as a whole, our philosophy of providing the ideal and accurate therapy to your dental ailments and our commitment towards excellence. We are accredited with NABH from India’s apex quality control body – the quality council of India (QCI), the only NABH Accredited in North India, ISO Certified.


To be recognized as a premier clinic in the country providing comprehensive affordable and equitable dental services to all in ethical and safe work environment.


To establish a system of reliable, timely and good quality dental services with the patient centered approach. Our social initiatives have helped us in achieving the self satisfaction of giving back to the society which has given so much to us.


Our philosophy is to provide the most accurate and ideal dental treatment to all our patients without any compromise.

Our commitment is towards achieving excellence in dental practice by not only providing the best technology but also the best care.

Our reputation as an ethical, well equipped and high-quality dental treatment center has helped us carve a niche for ourselves in the Chandigarh- Tricity

Our emphasis is on continuous learning and improvement in the form of attending courses and conferences nationally or internationally.

Our team consisting of various specialists recognizes, respects, and owns our value system. Together we form a team of dedicated and academically-oriented professionals providing specialized dental treatment under one roof.

Our Journey

Dr. Sanjay Kalra’s Multi Specialty Dental Clinic

  • NABH inspection done at the clinic and the staff and the facility excels it.
  • Dr Ruchir Kalra delivers his first half day lecture and Hands on at Bhojia Dental College.
  • Purchased a second intraoral scanner, the Itero Flex for better diagnosis, patient education and treatment planning
  • Class B Autoclave added to practice.
  • Ruyes hand held x ray machine is added to practice.
  • Dr Sanjay Kalra delivers a lecture at Videocon 2023 at Vietnam
  • Dr Ruchir Kalra gives his first full day lecture on Dental Photography at PDPA, Panchkula.
  • Countenance 2.0 Medispa launched with the addition of Botox, Fillers, PRP, Vampire Facials, Meso therapy, Glutathione Therapy, Dermapen 4, microneedling, GFC Hair started as various therapies.
  • Dr Sanjay Kalra serves patients through the second and third wave of pandemic. We followed all protocols and did not have any transmission of diseases from or to the clinic.
  • NABH surveillance done online and excelled.
  • Dr Prarthana Negi Kalra joins the practice.
  • Dr Sanjay Kalra’s Dental clinic operated under all covid protocols through the pandemic.
  • Inaugurated the First-In-House CBCT North of Delhi & Countenance.
  • Refurbishment of the Clinic Setup.
  • Futudent camera added to the practice for better recording cases
  • Dr. Ruchir Kalra began with his practise at the clinic.
  • Upgraded the Cerec 3D CAD/CAM Unit to Cerec Omnicam – the latest version.
  • Started with regular training of the staff for continuous quality improvement & upgradation in the clinic.
  • Celebrated the Clinic’s Silver Anniversary on 18th Oct by organizing activities like Dental Health Education and Wellness Fair.
  • Launched Smile Express – The Mobile Dental Van for treatment of underprivileged.
  • Became a regular member of Rotary Club Chandigarh Mid Town.
  • Started preparing for NABH accreditation by Quality Council of India.
  • Upgraded the procedure room with latest equipment.
  • Launched Museum of Great Historians of dentistry at the clinic complex.
  • Published the Coffee Table Book – EXPRESSION BEYOND IMPRESSIONS.
  • Added Dental Soft Tissue Lasers to the Facility.
  • Published patient education magazine – Utkarsh.
  • Became Principal of BRS Dental College Panchkula and worked for five years.
  • Upgraded the clinic to a two story setup over an area of 5400 sq.ft. with 10 Dental Units.
  • Added India’s first CAD/CAM Cerec 3D for chair-side fabrication of all ceramic crowns.
  • Started publication of monthly newsletter – TRIGON TIMES.
  • Upgraded the clinic to a five unit setup with a separate procedure room.
  • Became Mentor for NOBEL BIOCARE Implants.
  • First to start Nobel Clinician Program for Digital Implant Planning and Execution.

Shifted the clinic to a sprawling complex and upgraded to a four chair setup. Had separate procedure room for doing implants.


Dental Health Awareness Society was founded. Started the dental health awareness campaign with yearly oral health exhibition, school dental checkups and education lectures.


One more dental unit added to the existing setup. Started doing metal free all ceramic dentistry.


First to start Dental Implants in North India. Joined academics in BRS Dental College to teach the students.


The Clinic started as a single chair one room setup in the residential area. The most sophisticated and hygienic clinic at that time.


Creative dental care solutions at Sanjay Kalra Dental Clinic