June 18, 2024

What is the Right Age and Stage to Choose Braces?

Ever wondered when braces become the right choice? While a dazzling smile is the ultimate goal, there’s actually a prime time to consider orthodontic treatment. This age range takes advantage of your body’s natural development to achieve the best results with braces. Let’s explore this ideal window for braces and how it can benefit you. People often use braces to straighten teeth, fix bad bites, and improve dental health. However, determining the right age to start orthodontic treatment can be a bit tricky. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ideal age and stage for getting braces.

Early Interceptive Treatment (Ages 6-10)

It is advised by the American Association of Orthodontists that children should undergo their initial orthodontic assessment by the age of 7. This early assessment allows orthodontists to identify potential issues and recommend early interceptive treatment if necessary. Early treatment can help guide the growth and development of the jaws and teeth, reducing the need for more extensive treatment later on.

During this stage, orthodontists may use appliances like palatal expanders or space maintainers to create room for erupting teeth, guide the growth of the jaws, or prevent the development of more severe problems. Early treatment can also help improve the appearance of a child’s smile and boost their self-confidence.

Adolescent Treatment (Ages 11-15)

The most common age for orthodontic treatment is during the adolescent years, typically between the ages of 11 and 15. By this time, most permanent teeth have erupted, allowing orthodontists to easily assess the alignment of teeth and jaws.

During adolescence, orthodontic treatment can be more effective because the bones are still growing and more malleable. This allows orthodontists to make adjustments more easily and achieve better results in a shorter amount of time.

Adult Treatment (Ages 16 and above)

Orthodontic treatment is not limited to only children and teenagers. Many adults are choosing to undergo orthodontic treatment later in life to improve the appearance of their smile and correct bite issues. Adult treatment may take longer than adolescent treatment due to the maturity of the bones and teeth, but it can still be highly effective.

Adult treatment options have also expanded in recent years, with the introduction of clear aligners, lingual braces (braces placed on the inside of the teeth), and other discreet options. These alternatives make orthodontic treatment more appealing and accessible for adults who may have been hesitant in the past.


The right age and stage for braces depends on the individual’s dental needs and development. Early interceptive treatment can guide jaw and teeth growth. Adolescent treatment is the most common and effective time for orthodontics. Adult treatment is also an option for those who missed out earlier or want to improve their smile later.

If you or your child are considering orthodontic treatment, consult an orthodontist to determine the best course of action based on your needs and goals.

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